The Acorn – 84

Number 84 In this issue: The money behind the smears Transhumanism: the opposition Three days against techno-sciences Hans Driesch: an organic radical inspiration Acorninfo 1. The money behind the smears by Paul Cudenec Back in 2020 I was on the receiving end of a lot of vitriol from so-called "anarchists" who objected to the fact … Continue reading The Acorn – 84

Anti-transhumanists target Milan Baby Fair

Resistance to the odious transhumanist agenda is causing a stir in Italy, with multiple protests against the Milan Baby Fair. As we reported in January, artificial reproduction technology, including artificial wombs, is intended to replace natural childbirth, creating a world without mothers where a baby is just another profitable product that has to be purchased … Continue reading Anti-transhumanists target Milan Baby Fair

The Acorn – 83

Number 83 In this issue: Defending people and land The worm behind the facade Nature that is us Fredy Perlman: an organic radical inspiration Acorninfo 1. Defending people and land by Miguel Amorós "A Power based on Authority can of course use force, but while Authority can create force, force can never, by definition, create … Continue reading The Acorn – 83

The Acorn – 82

Number 82 In this issue: Targeting the enemy Growing revolt against smart tyranny Who are the real "extremists"? Mikhail Bakunin: an organic radical inspiration Acorninfo 1. Targeting the enemy The invasion of BlackRock HQ in Paris on April 6 by a crowd of angry protesters and strikers revealed to the world that something very important … Continue reading The Acorn – 82

Welcome to the revolution!

Something powerful is in the air as we enter the autumn of 2022. The horrendous truth about the wave of "unexplained" deaths is inevitably getting out. The powers-that-be are blustering and fuming about unauthorised opinions and dangerous "conspiracy theories" exposing the Great Reset. New and ever-more blatant assaults on our well-being and freedom are being … Continue reading Welcome to the revolution!