“Impact investment” is the new weapon of exploitation being launched against 99.9% of humankind by the tiny gang of ultra-rich crooks who currently rule the world.

Spearheaded by UK venture capitalist “Sir” Ronald Cohen, it basically means privatisation of the public realm pushed further than ever before, in which big businesses make money by “investing” in various sectors tied in to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and by turning these investments into commodities, that can be traded and speculated upon.

Children, with their whole lives ahead of them and ready to be plugged in and monitored for decades in the financiers’ digital smart-city panopticon, are the prime target of the impact vultures.

The lack of understanding of the threat presented by the “impact” agenda, even among those freedom-fighters who declare themselves to be enemies of the system, is frankly alarming.

For that reason, we present here some resources explaining and exposing the insidious impact agenda.

“Their twisted vision is of a world of geofencing and e-carceration, of facial recognition and predictive policing, of biometric data and sensor networks, of behavioural insights, of nudging and shaping, of the internet of things and the internet of bodies”.

Wising Up to the Impact Scam

“The Impactors are coming but they are not coming as they did once before, clad in boots of brutality and bearing banners of hate. This time they are sneaking up in disguise, wrapped in the multi-coloured plastic packaging of pseudo-niceness. They assure us that they are here to do good, to help the needy, to build back better, to save the planet. But it is all just lies, lies, lies!

Impactor Alert!

“Like some demented monster feeding furiously off its own excrement, the impact capitalist empire will keep expanding, bloated with its own endlessly recycled toxicity, until its insane and insatiable greed has destroyed us all. Unless we can stop it”.

Ronald Cohen, impact capitalism and the Great Reset

“Public money supposedly deployed to ‘fight poverty’ or ‘save the planet’ is in fact being used to build a nightmarish ‘smart’ world, an all-inclusive digital slave-labour camp in which both human and natural capital are sources of sustainable enrichment and power for the global parasites”.

Cogs of corruption and control

“Hiding behind the do-good rhetoric of the UNSDGs, these individuals are all working actively for the loathsome Great Reset agenda of global land-grabbing and the total surveillance and control they need for the digital enslavement of our children and our children’s children”.

A nest of impact vipers

“In general, the very term ‘sustainable development’, as championed by the WEF, is a deliberately misleading one. It’s not the natural world which is intended to be sustained, but the development that is destroying it. This term is of course the basis of the UNSDGs, which the WEF officially promotes, and which provide the thematic structure for the whole range of impact investing. ‘Sustainable development’ represents the continuation and acceleration of the development agenda that has long been promoted by the UN, along with sister bodies like the World Bank and the Commonwealth”.

The WEF are life-hating liars

“The WEF’s Global Shapers like to use the word ‘impact’ a lot, even in their recruitment material. They probably think they are being very clever, because some of the young people they are trying to attract, as well as the general public, will imagine that ‘impact’ just means something about making a big difference to the world. But, in fact, it is a blatant reference to social impact investment, one of the most insidious elements of the Great Reset agenda, in which people are reduced to the status of ‘human capital’ for financial parasites”.

Shapers of slavery: the plan

“Impact profiteering is very much tied in with the Great Reset and its Fourth Industrial Revolution, which aims to set up the infrastructure through which this new form of digital serfdom can be imposed. Inevitably, then, the impact agenda is very present throughout Charles’ empire, even if somewhat hidden from casual view”.

Charles’ empire: impact imperialism

“Because impact investments involve areas of life which have not until now been readily quantifiable, every detail of a human commodity’s ongoing ‘development’ must be electronically recorded and tracked, preferably in real time. So it was that, in 2009, The Commonwealth’s leaders committed themselves to ‘the strengthening and creation of partnerships and networks to increase development effectiveness, emphasising high-impact initiatives with clearly measurable outcomes’”.

Empire of hypocrisy: impact outcomes

“The 4IR empties everything of meaning, particularly words. It says ‘sustainable’ when it means ecocidal. It says ‘development’ when it means destruction. It says ‘basic universal income’ when it means slavery. When the 4IR talks about ‘social impact investing‘ it really means it wants to turn human beings into lucrative investment opportunities. Human capital. Human cattle”.

Resist the Fourth Industrial Repression!

“Impact Investing South Africa says it wants to ‘learn from and share with the Global Steering Group for Impact Investing’, an organisation funded by the likes of The Ford Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, the UK government and the Rothschilds’ BNP Paribas bank”. 

BRICS in the wall of global greed

“The Church of England, so keen to apologise for its past involvement with exploitative slave-traders, is in fact in bed with their present-day equivalents in the neo-colonial impact investment business, who regard today’s children across the world as mere ‘human capital’ to feed their sustainable prosperity”.

The Church of England: enslaving God’s children

“The ‘intersectional’ approach effectively presents social injustice as a series of separate and very narrow ‘problems’ for which ‘solutions’ could be provided within the framework of the existing system and it is enthusiastically adopted by impact capitalists”.

Divide, rule and profit: the intersectional impact racket

“ILGA Europe is also funded by other wealthy foundations interested in what they describe as philanthropy, impact investment, fighting antisemitism and supporting Ukraine. I found that an important role in this shadowy network of ‘trans rights’ funding is played by the Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program, which insists it is dedicated to ‘charitable impact through strategic and thoughtful philanthropy’ and is, of course, part of the Vanguard-BlackRock entity which so dominates global finance”.

Shining light on the climate of manipulation

“Extinction Rebellion’s XR Business also boasts the support of Tomas Carruthers, CEO of Project Heather: ‘We’re building a stock exchange for the 21st century. It’s time to add ‘impact’ to ‘risk and reward’”.

Rebellion Extinction: a capitalist scam to hijack our resistance

“Guerrilla Foundation’s Antonis Schwarz is involved with the Center for Sustainable Finance and Private Wealth at the University of Zurich’s Department of Banking and Finance, Switzerland. Under the title ‘Wealth Owner Programs’, this insititution offers a course entitled ‘Impact Investing for the Next Generation’. This training apparently ‘equips next generation members of ultra high net worth families with the technical and soft skills needed to move assets towards impact’”.

Guerrillas of the Great Reset

“This is ‘wokewashing’ hypocrisy of the first order – pretending to be acting in the interests of the very people you are exploiting… I am entirely convinced that Edge Fund is an integral part of this impact capitalism scam. It stands out from the rest of the impact crowd only because of its particular approach to funding, which enables it to reach beyond charities and other institutions into the world of left-wing and anarchist activism”.

Controlling the left: the impact edgenda

“Through predatory public-private partnerships, global financiers are in the process of digitizing not only our education system, but many other aspects of public service delivery. This 10-minute video provides an overview of ‘Pay For Success’ and social impact bonds, detailing how their operations hinge on intrusive and oppressive collection of data from our classrooms, homes, jails, and clinics”. – Alison McDowell

Gambling With Our Futures: Big Data, Global Finance and Digital Life

“Private investors, non-profit groups & governments are teaming up to make you better! (while making a profit). Investors fund non-profit organizations – which run programs to ‘fix’ a target population. ‘We love vets. End veteran suicide. Smart Contract. You must: take our drugs; 24-7 monitoring; smart implants; whatever else we come up with'”. – Eve.

The New Normal

“Few realize it, but the Covid drama is providing cover for a far more insidious program of perpetual tracking and tracing tied to health management and Sustainable Development Goal 3. Health data will create new equity markets meaning more and more wearable tech surveillance. The Impact Management Project’s practitioners, the asset holders whose greed led to a world beset by chronic illness, have structured profit centers in Internet of Things preventative care – social determinants of health weaponized” – Alison McDowell.

How Data-Driven Government and the Internet of Bodies Are Poised To Transform Smart Sustainable Cities Into Social Impact Prisons

“It says here quite clearly that ‘the COVID-19 pandemic positively impacted the impact investing industry’. Now, a pandemic alone didn’t do anything, it was the government response and I don’t believe that it was entirely coincidental. It increased social inequality and, as I said, and you highlighted and you saw first-hand, how it impacted families, pushing them to the brink” – Taschi Sidford with Kate Mason.

Social Impact bonds explained- how the wealthiest investors are profiting off human misery

“If they actually fix all these problems, then they wouldn’t have anything left to invest in, because everything would be rosy and lovely, but that’s not the case. All the projections go up, they keep telling you these problems are entrenched – they’re not actually going to fix anything. They’re focusing on individuals and making money off of individual interventions” – Taschi Sidford with Kate Mason.

Social Impact investing episode 2 – Humans as a commodity to be fixed

“The government is ushering in Social Impact Investing, which is making markets from vulnerable people (we are all rapidly being made more vulnerable through government measures). In a nutshell, welfare programs, public housing etc. were previously funded through the government. Social Impact investing calls for private funds (corporates and wealthy individuals) to put forward capital, non-government organisations tender for this money and then when the program ‘delivers’ the government pays the wealthy individuals and corporates their initial funds plus interest. It is the highly problematic Public Private Partnership model” – Kate Mason.

Covid inquiry and Covid19 Royal Commission Terms of Reference Submissions

“Our being electronically geofenced in SMART cities as data livestock, in what US researcher Alison McDowell has described as ‘the AI version of Farmville,’ is a non negotiable part of the future impact ecosystem… They are attempting to drag us into the realm of the sub-human – below the level of animals – to become subordinated cyborg automatons who lack independent thinking, feeling and willing” – Emily Garcia.

The Dystopian Cashless Future we must Fight: 5G, the Metaverse, and the Tokenised Impact Economy

“Are math software programs in place to teach our kids math, or to monetize their scores for expected outcomes investors are looking for? Interestingly enough, investors are making money on their scores. Within this shift away from a focus on reading, writing, math, and history, to formative assessments that monitor children through every click, data is collected and sold” – Lynn Davenport and Alice Linehan.

Social Impact Podcast with Lynn Davenport: Alice Linahan Calls on Parents to Understand Social Impact Bonds