A system built on lies

“The corporate world that lies and breathes this depraved ideology never has espoused nor never will espouse a higher regard for humanity than for profits”.

So writes Cory Morningstar in ‘It’s not a Social Dilemma, it’s the calculated destruction of the social‘, the first of a new series of articles on 2020s capitalism, which we strongly urge people to read.

It is clear to anyone paying attention that we live in a system built on endless spin, lies and manipulation.

Even groups who voice criticism of certain aspects of our society often do so with the aim of reinforcing its general credibility and domination.

Did you know, for instance, that Amnesty International serves as partner to the World Economic Forum ‘Civil Society in the Fourth Industrial Revolution Initiative’?

They and other well-known NGOs form part of what Cory terms a ‘non-profit industrial complex’ shilling for the empire of capitalist greed.

She writes: “Avaaz and Purpose, serving many of the most powerful corporations and institutions on the planet, create emotive campaigns for climate change, while serving as instruments for war and occupation on targeted sovereign states.

“The irony that the military is a key driver of both climate change and ecological devastation is seemingly lost on the collective Western citizenry”.

In the modern Spectacle nothing is what it claims to be, everything is fake. Honesty has been abolished.

Fake greens promote the further destruction of nature under the false flag of fighting climate change and the fake left defends the capitalist system in the name of a phoney progress.

In 2018, Klaus Schwab’s WEF identified a “growing public backlash against technology” and so the system’s troops have been sent in to put things right using their usual weapons of mass deception.

The ‘Tech for Good’ offensive identified by Cory includes the widely-viewed documentary The Social Dilemma and organisations such as the Center for Humane Technology.

Behind this brand, she warns, lies “the exponential ‘scaling up of social transformation in the fourth industrial revolution’… transforming children, people, and all life into data commodities – a new asset class”.

She adds: “This is a global behavioural change project, unprecedented in scale, with civil society groups and groomed influencers, having been tasked with replacing societal backlash with social licence”.

In fact, it is just another prong of the assault on our lives and our world being launched by the ultra-rich elite centred around the Schwabist fascist/capitalist agenda.

Cory explains: “Time Well Spent/Center for Humane Technology identifies its purpose as ‘a movement to align technology with our humanity’. Yet, its answer to the inhumanity of tech is to be found in market solutions, within the capitalist framework, which can neither be tamed, nor negotiated. For it itself, is inhumane”.

The elephant in the green-wallpapered room frequented by proponents of ‘sustainable’ technology is, of course, the fact that their chosen infrastructures are destroying our planet.

Cory writes: “In the same way that Greta Thunberg never touches upon the sought financialization of nature, global in scale (expected to be implemented in 2021), instead serving as the very face of the campaign; in the same way that Thunberg does not shine an imperative light on militarization as a key driver of climate change, the Center for Humane Technology, which highlights climate change as a key concern, makes no mention of the massive and growing carbon footprint by the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) sector.

“In the same way that Thunberg remains silent on the roll-out of 5G (the fifth generation technology standard for broadband cellular networks), adding additional layers of threats to biodiversity and all living life forms, including human, neither does the Centre for Humane Technology. 5G is, unequivocally, the very foundation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, launched to the public as ‘the great reset’.

“Without 5G, the Fourth Industrial Revolution architecture, as sought by the ruling class, will collapse like a house of cards. These deliberate omissions represent the most egregious form of climate denialism that goes largely unchallenged. To call for humane technology while making no mention of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is an impossible oversight.

“We are being conditioned to accept, and even demand, the very infrastructure and said ‘solutions’ that the states, serving the ruling classes, wish to impose on us. This is social engineering en masse.

“Just as there is no negotiating with the brutality of capitalism – there is no negotiating with a trillion dollar social media industry, firmly entrenched in the jaws of capitalism. ‘A path to humane technology’ is just one public relations effort going forward to quell any backlash against the new global architecture, financed by the very entities advancing their depraved collective ideologies”.

Of course, with Cory Morningstar, this is just not an opinion. She names names, details connections, provides dates, links and quotes to thoroughly expose yet another scam aimed at propping up the Great Lie which imprisons us all.

This merits a very careful read!

Full article: It’s not a Social Dilemma, it’s the calculated destruction of the social by Cory Morningstar

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