Emergency alert

by Najm Al-Dīn

In light of yesterday’s emergency alert (siren) which was tested on all mobile phone users in the UK as part of a disaster preparedness initiative, it is important to unpack the wider machinations behind this public safety measure.

The official explanation for this UK-wide alert system was that the authorities hoped to familiarise the public with an important protocol in the event of a future climate emergency or threat to national security.

However, I believe this measure was another example of government overreach and would advise readers to switch off the emergency notifications on their device in any future trial.

It’s important to note that these emergency alerts are part of a coordinated global strategy among governments which are marching lockstep with the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset, according to which nations must commit towards the implementation of several UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.

The SDGs are a collection of 17 interlinked global aspirations relating to poverty, food security, climate change, healthcare, education, employment and virtually every sphere of human activity, designed to be a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for the world’s population.

One of these goals is to reduce carbon emissions by a significant amount through upending the modern industrial economy and instituting a new centrally planned circular economy in its place.

What the public is not being told is that this will effectively cede complete sovereignty of the global commons to powerful asset holders, simply because a circular economy requires building a new two tiered class system of owners and renters and rendering all products as services for more sustainable levels of consumption.

This will ultimately necessitate depriving citizens of ownership rights and the hoovering up of tangible assets by those who control international capital flows, such as globalist financiers and hedge funds who are ever so eager to package this economic system as ‘stakeholder capitalism’ to make it palatable to the masses.

As the circular economy will be underpinned by a transition to renewable energy and materials, it will be pitched to the public as the sustainable economic model of the future in which every citizen must contribute as a moral and national duty.

So how is any of this relevant to yesterday’s emergency alert on the phones of UK mobile phone users?

Well, you cannot look at the alert in isolation from these long term transitions which are being planned for the UK’s economy by those who control global capital.

The unelected bureaucrats who are pushing governments to adopt net zero policies know very well that it is impossible to foist a circular economy on the masses and push through with this economic reset (which no one voted for), without dispossessing millions in the process and inducing chronic levels of poverty at home.

Therefore, they must amplify fears of climate emergencies to create a new state of exception, just like they did with the pandemic which resulted in a temporary biosecurity surveillance state by forcing lockdowns and mandating or coercing experimental injections for large swathes of the globe, in return for basic freedoms in a bid to advance some of the major SDGs.

With a war looming, inflation continuing to take its toll and nation states being slowly reduced to insolvency owing to draconian net zero targets, a new British underclass of blue and white collar workers will have to be managed through smart contracts and finclusion apps where the right to participate in a net zero economy will be determined solely on the basis of one’s digital and carbon footprint.

These data trails will be managed in real time and measured for something called ESG ‘impact’, which basically describes a form of investment which prioritises optimal environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors or outcomes alongside a financial return.

For the public to become active participants in this data-driven economy, a massive overhaul to urban planning in the way of ’20 minute neighbourhoods’ or ’15 minute smart cities’ will be required, in which citizens’ access to basic goods and services as well as permitted movements will all be communicated to them via smart apps on mobile phones.

Under such an arrangement, access to goods and services will likely be determined by a social credit rating and the number of carbon tokens which one has accumulated.

This will involve a transition to a carbon credit economy to create a universally comparable standard to measure one’s carbon footprint.

Ultimately, one’s socio-economic mobility will be tied to behavioural compliance with all of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Therefore, what I believe the government was doing by trialling this emergency alert is conditioning the public for the next stage of a global surveillance apparatus in which populations will be corralled into a future strings-attached cash transfer model in a data economy as part of the UN SDGs.

It’s a work in progress but they need a critical mass of the population on board with their plans.

Right now, the powers that be are seeking your consent to re-write the rules of the digital ecosystem by significantly expanding the tentacles of Big Tech who will be architecting this digital panopticon in which the entire sum of human interactions will be measured against the SDGs.

Sunday’s emergency alert was simply the latest example of a government acting at the behest of unelected power brokers, exploiting fear and hysteria to recalibrate the public’s distaste for measures traditionally associated with totalitarian regimes, such as invasive technologies and increasing surveillance which will lead to a greater accretion of power for the owners of global capital and the micromanagement of populations at a granular level who will be managed as data commodities inside future smart cities.

Just as they socially engineered the public by means of fear and propaganda to believe that suffering and deprivation through draconian lockdowns and social distancing was for their betterment, they are now attempting to cement acceptance of a new protocol which can be activated in response to any sensationalized climate threat – real or perceived – which will likely pave the path for future ‘climate lockdowns’ or at least restrictions on movement under the pretext of ‘saving the planet’.

So we should view yesterday’s emergency alert as a data mining exercise or beta test to gauge the level of public compliance before pressing ahead with plans to build a digital panopticon under the benevolent guise of the UN SDGs as we head closer to 2030.

Do not be fooled.

A ‘new normal’ is what they desire and it is nothing but capitalism under the facade of green energy.

If you cannot resist at the initial voluntary phase, then you are inviting technocratic tyranny on your doorstep.

10 thoughts on “Emergency alert

  1. Not sure how I got on this email list, but this is excellent information. Spot on.

    Look at how Israel treats Palestinians … that’s our new smart cities. Smart city … smart prisons.


  2. Hello,
    I love reading what you write.
    But I am now in the US and survived a fire storm caused by a utility corporation that killed 9 of my immediate neighbours.
    My neighbours died, burned to death, as at that point our rural county did NOT have a working emergency alert system – functioning in any correct capacity.
    I live in fire, flood, earth quake country, so the emergency alert system is pretty vital.

    In the US there are monthly ’emergency alert’ tests on radio/public television(not cable or satellite)..This has happened since the 1950’s..
    I was always amazed all the years I lived in the Uk that that there was no emergency protocol, system set up – especially given what happened to the UK during the blitz, etc..

    I think it is important to balance out what is 100% over reach/govt control/4th ind revolution techno fascism and what is important when actual disasters happen..

    My neighbors would be alive today IF and ONLY if the air raid siren had been turned on and the reverse 911 call (999) to peoples phones had been working that night..
    I literally ran on foot from a 150 foot wall of flame…..If we had had a reverse 911 call or an emergency alert call we would have gotten out sooner…but had no idea what was heading our way in the middle of the night….

    So I am living someplace where we have to have the emergency alert on our phones.
    Saying that. I rarely use my cell phone. I was also at Greenham Common womens peace camp in the 80-90’s were what we now call 4G/5G/Wifi etc was tested on us, that tech was being tested/used as a directed weapon against the women at the camps.
    We called it ‘zapping’ and in the US it is now called ‘Savanah Syndrome’ by the govt..

    So let’s figure out the balance ?
    I hate the wifi/5G, i hate what the internet, and techno facism/transhumanism is doing to us……….


  3. You are absolutely correct in your article. The problem I am struggling with is getting the message out to my family and friends.

    I discuss and show them undeniable proof concerning the WEF’s Great Reset, Stakeholder Capitalism, and Fourth Industrial Revolution agenda, and they just sit there. They seem to have no ability for cognitive/critical thinking. They believe that what I say is a conspiracy theory. They have been brainwashed by mainstream media.

    I have emailed mainstream media in my area asking when are you going to report on the World Economic Forum, 193 UN nations, NATO, WHO, NGOs, Multi-National Corporations, G7 government young global leaders, BIS, World Bank, Federal Reserve, and IMF agenda. I get no reply.

    They will not be able to hide their agenda from the masses forever. If we can find a way to get the message out to the masses I believe that humanity just might have a chance to stop the evil parts of their agenda

    Global Research here in Canada was kind enough to publish my article Our World and How We Behave in it. https://www.globalresearch.ca/our-world-how-we-behave-it/5811025



  4.     There is no meaningful resistance to this incipient tyranny other than to reject the entire cell phone technology, return to land line phones and reject all of the Internet of Things, return to analog communications and data access and avoid the tools of repression dangled so attractively before the public.


  5. What an excellent article clearly explaining to us what is going on right in front of our eyes. Both my wife and I along with my daughter and family all had the app disabled on our phones. Just to add to what has been said, we have a mountain road above where we live which has now 8 variable speed cameras installed along it’s 4 mile length. For our safety of course. Could not be described in any way as an accident ‘black spot’. However I will give them 6 months before someone with a paintball gun will start putting them out of action.


  6. A much needed elucidation of the malign influences behind the control of the masses via the smartphone technologies to which the vast majority of humanity are, seemingly, now wedded. Yet another tool with which to instil fear .


  7. Thank you for this post, Clive de Carle send out a letter of warning two days ago to shut off all wifi, phones, etc..and actually suggested leaving cities and heading to the woods as trees interfere with this high powered pulse. Personally I am getting rid of my phone but we really need to protest. These people don’t understand anything unless you throw the shit pie or bag of urine directly in their face. I see no other way.


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