The world out of kilter: reclaim our lives!

by Paul Cudenec

I would love to have been born into a stable society – a calm, healthy, wise society – rather than one rattling chaotically downhill at an ever-accelerating rate towards a doom that is increasingly impossible to ignore.

For me, real progress would not be the replacement of human beings by machines, but the nurturing of human beings so as to release their full potential, the patient fine-tuning of our outlooks and habits so that we can live better together.

The community to which I would like to belong would not look like any other community.

It would have evolved in harmony with the specific qualities of its place, its history, the tastes and desires of the people who made it up.

It would be through this rooted belonging that the community could achieve its flowering – its myths, its music, its crafts, its food, its drink, its festivals, its ethos.

In such a society, people would decide for themselves, among themselves, how they wanted to live.

There would be no remote central “authority” demanding data and taxes, imposing its rigid requirements, ensuring that everything and everybody conformed to its mechanical model of what life should look like.

People would grow up to feel free and instinctively resistant to outside interference.

They simply would not go along with demands issued from strangers justified only by the rules and jargon these strangers have themselves invented.

They would not tolerate the destruction of a much-loved meadow or forest because of targets or plans or the institutionally-enshrined priority afforded the steamroller of “development” and “economic growth”.

And, because they lived simply, healthily, naturally, collaboratively, they would not have to waste the greater part of their time and energy on toiling for somebody else’s gain, just to have the bare right to food and shelter.

Instead, everyone would contribute to the well-being of their community in whatever way they could.

Such a world would only be perfect in the sense that human imperfection forms part of the overall perfection of the organism we call nature, Earth, the cosmos.

But it would be a living world, a warm world, a kind world, a real world.

And it can be ours, if we truly want it.

It is time for us to grab back our future from the greed-soaked hands of the lying robber-tyrants who have, for so long now, pushed our world out of kilter.

It is time for us to reclaim our lives.

[Audio version]

See also: The world out of kilter: occupation and zombification

and: The world out of kilter: being modern

11 thoughts on “The world out of kilter: reclaim our lives!

  1. I’m not convinced that human beings have the capacity to live holistic, communal, responsible lives in alignment with nature and the Earth’s cycles. We’ve come a long way, but look what we’ve done. We are a maladapted, traumatized, pleasure-seeking, pain-avoiding species. We don’t seem to even belong here given the fact that we’re literally destroying our only biosphere. There are too many psycho-sociopaths who seem to rise to power and our species seems far too vulnerable to their indoctrination – not to mention the indoctrination of religion – to have the capacity to recognize these people and isolate them from the community. We are too swayed by propaganda and feel justified to destroy each other in the name of saving each other. I don’t mean to be cynical, simply realistic.


    1. Obviously I disagree, partly because I believe we are born with innate qualities that give us the potential to live otherwise. The people you see around you today are victims of the era. It is only because of the corrupted society in which we live that we often end up maladapted, stunted and selfish. Once that negative influence is removed, the straitjacket taken off, we will be free to blossom as nature intended.


      1. Honestly, I’m glad you disagree. We need people like you to carry to flame of hope. But, for myself, as a realist and a stoic, I can’t/won’t give up or give in. Nonetheless, I won’t allow myself the luxury of believing in humanity against all evidence. I do, however, realize that the future could change in a heartbeat. Some sort of event could change the entire trajectory of our species future. So, therefore, I cannot simply give up. I owe it to my children to press on and continue fighting despite my position on this matter.


  2. For sure, this is what is needed and for a time, specifically in 1936 the Spanish anarchist social revolution created just that, with great success in a time of war, and we are in a time of war now. To negate this is to allow for the velocity of human demise which is being witnessed in all areas of human regression. The specifics of this history must be taught in all our education possibilities as the start to enabling the universal laws of nature to harmonise our energies, creating an evolution of potential value and growth.


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