How intelligence agents hijacked the U.S. anarchist movement and steered it into a dead end

by Crow Qu'appelle For years, it has been undeniable that there has been a concerted COINTELPRO-style campaign targeting the anarchist left in the U.S. This has been an incontrovertible fact since at least 2021, when the Grayzone published an expose of Alexander Reid Ross, former editor of the Earth First! Journal, author of Against the Fascist … Continue reading How intelligence agents hijacked the U.S. anarchist movement and steered it into a dead end

Phoney anti-fascists target the real thing

by Paul Cudenec More shocking evidence has emerged of the way in which genuine anti-system dissidents are being maliciously smeared and "cancelled" by pseudo-leftists with a suspicious agenda. The latest target for the trolls is someone whose work I have been enjoying for years, an anti-fascist folk singer/songwriter from the USA who also regularly tours in … Continue reading Phoney anti-fascists target the real thing