Immanent Sophia

by W.D. James A Review of Christendom or Europe? by Novalis (with introduction by Michael Martin) Angelico Press acquired or otherwise subsumed Philosophia Perennis Press, one of only a very few publishers of Traditionalist books, several years ago. Their combined list of books and authors is stellar. One of their most recent offerings is a … Continue reading Immanent Sophia

For a convergence of the uncorrupted

by Paul Cudenec It sometimes baffles me how the global ruling class, whose core is tiny, manages to hold 99.9% of humankind under its domination. The criminocrats use every weapon in the book to achieve this, from propaganda to police violence, from bribery to blackmail, from dishonesty to debt. But one of their main ways of … Continue reading For a convergence of the uncorrupted

Vaccine Evangelists, Apostates, and Apologists: Part 1 – The Evangelists

Elephant in the Room – drawing in charcoal and conté on paper, by the author. by Jordan Henderson This essay series is a deep dive into the vaccine conflict: the preaching of the Vaccine Evangelists, the refutation of that preaching by the Vaccine Apostates, and the protection of the Vaccine Evangelists by the Vaccine Apologists. Evangelists preach and promote the faith. Apostates have … Continue reading Vaccine Evangelists, Apostates, and Apologists: Part 1 – The Evangelists

Science! Blessed be Thy Name: The Vanishing Value of Religious Freedom

by Jordan Henderson Freedom of Religion can no longer bring about the freedom that it could have in past ages had it actually been implemented; only a Freedom of Belief System could do that today. The reason for this is straightforward; Freedom of Religion would have been a big deal back when the dominant belief system was … Continue reading Science! Blessed be Thy Name: The Vanishing Value of Religious Freedom