Reversing out of global tyranny

by Paul Cudenec The root cause of our separation lies in the power which has been accumulated by a criminal ruling clique. The classic form taken by this violent and thieving entity is the state, but it uses other guises. When states expand they become empires. When an empire has expanded to embrace everything, everywhere, … Continue reading Reversing out of global tyranny

The Acorn – 82

Number 82 In this issue: Targeting the enemy Growing revolt against smart tyranny Who are the real "extremists"? Mikhail Bakunin: an organic radical inspiration Acorninfo 1. Targeting the enemy The invasion of BlackRock HQ in Paris on April 6 by a crowd of angry protesters and strikers revealed to the world that something very important … Continue reading The Acorn – 82

The WEF are life-hating liars

by Paul Cudenec I was delighted to be able to travel back to England for the first time in three years and take part in the March 25 conference held in London by the Real Left, at which I was on a panel presenting "the ecological case against the WEF". This is the text of … Continue reading The WEF are life-hating liars

The Acorn – 81

Number 81 In this issue: A slippery smart slope to slavery March 25 2023: London conference against the WEF Victory for forest campaigners! Form, essence, lies and truth Chuang Tzu: an organic radical inspiration Acorninfo 1. A slippery smart slope to slavery One of the main aims of the Fourth Industrial Revolution is to herd … Continue reading The Acorn – 81