Evil beyond words

by Paul Cudenec

In a previous phase of my existence I used to pen regular film reviews for the local paper at which I worked.

I got into the habit of writing these as soon as possible after I had seen the film in question, so that I would still be in touch with the impression that it had made on me and remember the salient details.

So it’s somewhat surprising for me to realise that I have taken several weeks to write about the film I am going to describe.

What has happened, I think, is that it made a very deep impression on me that I have needed time to fully process.

Les Survivantes (‘the female survivors’, literally, or perhaps better rendered as ‘the women who survived’) is a new French documentary from director Pierre Barnérias, known for his 2020 exposé of the Covid scam, Hold-Up.

Given the vitriol and censorship aimed at that film, and given the even more controversial subject matter of Les Survivantes, I would have expected only to have been able to view it via some rebellious non-corporate website.

So it was a little surreal to find myself sitting down to watch it at a massive multiplex cinema in an out-of-town commercial zone in Nîmes.

The subject of the film is the abuse of children: not just sexual abuse, including violent rape, but also the torture of children, the dismembering and murdering of children and the forcing of children to watch and participate in the abuse, torture, dismembering and murdering of other children.

It has taken me a month to be able even to write that sentence, so it is hard to imagine how difficult it must have been for the survivors of such activity to talk in public about what they experienced.

Indeed, as one of them explained, part of the purpose of the activity – in particular the forced participation – was to traumatise and shame them into a lifelong silence that these women have now broken.

An important aspect of the film is that these crimes were not carried out by random individuals but by a network – when they met up, some of the eight women realised they had been abused by the same individuals in different locations across France, Belgium and Switzerland.

As the survivors told their stories, the nature of this network became increasingly apparent – there was talk of powerful people, politicians, heads of state and billionaires.

A former employee of Crédit Suisse (which cropped up in my recent article on the Rothschilds’ Chatham House operation) described how he had walked out of a party hosted by his banker boss when it started to involve a simulated satanic child sacrifice involving the banker’s daughter.

Just in case there was any lingering doubt, the caption at the end of the film refers to the network being run by “global financial power”.

We have, of course, all heard about Jeffrey Epstein or Jimmy Savile, with dark rumours about activities even less acceptable than sex with underage girls and boys.

But I for one never wanted to think about this too much, didn’t really want to emotionally embrace its reality, even though I accepted it intellectually.

Les Survivantes forced me to think about it, to feel it through the words of little girls who had suffered, survived and somehow found the courage, as women, to tell the world what had happened.

I know I was not the only person who walked out of the cinema desperately suppressing the desire to burst into angry tears.

In the subsequent weeks, the shock of what was described in the film has percolated into my thinking.

I thought I was being pretty hard-line in the language I use to describe the circles involved in all this, using labels like “criminocrats” or “mafia” and adjectives like “corrupt”, “odious” or “vile”.

However, I now realise I have been letting them off the hook. They’re worse than any of that.

It is already difficult to understand how anyone could deliberately cause the deaths of millions of people in wars, deliberately poison them with toxic drugs, deliberately destroy the natural world, polluting land, air and water, deliberately wreck communities and cultures, cynically enslave and exploit people across the world.

But how can we digest the fact that members of this same global financial power also enjoy raping, torturing, dismembering and murdering little children?

What words can we use to describe what they are? Even “Satanist”, which is presumably how they regard themselves, seems too weak.

I’ve always thought that mere human beings can no more be entirely evil than they can be entirely good.

Now I’m not so sure.

[Audio version]

The three pieces of art illustrating this article are all by the film director David Lynch.

8 thoughts on “Evil beyond words

  1. A-ha time ready to unvail the unthinkable crimes of the pedo satanic eugenicists. Thank you for sharing and not looking away. ________________________________


  2. Thank you for giving your immense skills as a writer to expose the much ignored and even covered up actions of those who are devoid of humanity. I do not have your courage to immerse myself in the horrors laid bare by the survivors, I am aware of my limitations. Prior to retirement as a Councillor, I worked with mostly females who had experience a variety of abuse and understand how vital it is for people’s pain to be heard and believed.


  3. This is a s why I feel the perpetrators of this horror are not human..this. Is what they have to do to feed off of human power I just listened to rachel Vaughan on the Alfa Vedic podcast you might appreciate what she has to say and is doing about this..


  4. a durable tradesman and myself whilst on a long journey to a job listened to a podcast about this stuff, We were both speechless for the remainder of the day and still not been able to forget about it, the thought that it all comes down to utter violence at the end of the day and there is people above the legal system.

    shaun attwoods true crime podcast episode 101 29th june 2020 SRA Survivors Horror story Jeanette Archer


  5. This article repeats every word I have thought and felt about this for years since I first started knowing about it – I cannot put into words adequately what it is – i frequently say “evil beyond words” and satanist is too weak.

    Keep praying and keep actively working to tear down, destroy, dismantle and bring to justice and light this devil-filled, inhuman, beyond evil demonic network.


    The grace and peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.


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