The Acorn – 56

acorn 2019bNumber 56

In this issue:

  1. We don’t want your fascist future!
  2. Fighting the coronazi clampdown
  3. 5G: resistance starts here
  4. This is our planet, not theirs
  5. When the walls of Babylon close in
  6. Gerrard Winstanley: an orgrad inspiration
  7. Acorninfo

1.  We don’t want your fascist future!

liberty or death

We don’t want your “new normal”.

We don’t want the “smart” fascist future you have been trying to sell us for so long and which you are now trying to force upon us with lies, fear and all your infrastructures of control.

We don’t want to be little submissive cogs in your machineries of greed and exploitation.

We don’t want to be told how to live and what to think.

We don’t want to be locked up indoors at your majesties’ pleasure, only allowed out of our cells to labour for your profit.

We don’t want to be distanced, isolated and alienated.

We don’t want to be the individually-wrapped slices of human flesh on which you gorge.

We didn’t want your first industrial revolution – when you threw us off our land and caged us in your dark satanic mills – and we certainly don’t want your fourth.

We don’t want to be cut off from the living world and confined to your sterile fake reality.

We don’t want to be policed and preached at by your drones and robots.

We don’t have to ask your permission to enjoy the world in which we belong – we will do so whenever, however and with whomever we choose.

We are not prepared to be patronised, humiliated or microchipped.

We refuse to plug ourselves meekly into the matrix of your total control.

We want you to bear in mind that you do not own us, that you cannot buy us and you will never control us.

We want you to know that we are free and will remain so unto the grave.

We want you to realise that when our time comes, we will make you pay for what you are doing to us.

And we want to remind you that there are very many more of us than of you.


See also:

Coronavirus thoughtcrime

The politics of fear

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2.  Fighting the coronazi clampdown

corona police

A global resistance is beginning to form up against the coronazi clampdown.

Reports the Enough is Enough website: “The first wave of this counter-movement are the worldwide prison revolts, which now have spread to almost all continents”.

There have been simultaneous revolts in two dozen Italian prisons (with more than 20 prisoners dead as a result), at least two riots in Belgian jails and a wave of rebellion in the prisons and internment camps for refugees in France.

Jails are also burning in Colombia – in Bogota alone more than 20 prisoners died in the process.

Hundreds of prisoners escaped from four semi-open prisons in São Paulo state in the south-east of Brazil after Easter prison holidays were cancelled and restrictions on visitors tightened because of coronavirus.

And prisoners rioted and set fire to part of a prison complex in northeastern Thailand on Sunday March 29.

Enough Is Enough report that there have been further uprisings in Argentina and in Africa.

Meanwhile, in the giant continent-sized prison previously known as Europe, French authorities have reportedly had to abandon attempts to impose the crackdown in some poorer suburbs.

Brutal and exaggerated harassment by racist cops prompted a feisty reaction, with police ambushed and atttacked by large groups and cars torched.

In Brussels, police trying to impose “social distancing” sparked a riot in the Schaerbeek district on Friday March 27.

In Sicily, cops with batons and guns have moved in to protect supermarkets after looting by locals who could no longer afford food.

In Panama, central America, which is under a coronavirus “state of emergency”, people also came together in the spirit of mutual aid on Saturday, March 28, and looted a supermarket.

Resistance looks set to spread as the clampdown continues, even if the authorities take the êmergency step of closing down much of the internet.

If the coronazis have not abandoned their attempt to imprison humanity by the end of April, a historic day of worldwide revolt could well lie ahead.

May Day is always an occasion for coming together to commemorate not only the political struggle of the people against the ruling elite, but also the annual resurgence of the force of life itself.

We don’t need emails, messaging or the internet to be collectively aware of the potential significance of Friday May 1 2020.

mayday poster

See also:

Neoliberalism is the new fascism

Liberalism: the two-faced tyranny of wealth

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3. 5G: resistance starts here

5G image

Report by Jan Goodey

In the current malaise regarding the health of nations, calls are growing for 5G to be SWITCHED OFF.

Wuhan, the epicenter of the SAR-Cov-2 virus which causes the killer disease COVID-19, was China’s first smart 5G city and location of its first 5G highway.

The epidemic was first discovered when 8,000 high 5G antennae were being built all over the city.

Royal Society of Medicine member Alan Cooke is in no doubt about the causal links. He told The Acorn: “If there’s any doubt about health issues then it should be stopped. It’s too late after there’s already been exposure. The most vulnerable people are … the elderly, but everyone is at potential risk.

stop 5G“The World Health Organisation (WHO) class microwave technology as a possible 2b carcinogen on the same level as lead, engine exhaust and the pesticide, DDT.

“It’s absolutely diabolical what is happening with all this. We are the guinea pigs”.

The predominant cause of death from this coronavirus is pneumonia. Pneumonia is known to be exacerbated by the deleterious effects of 2/3/4/5G radiation and Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) via Voltage -gated calcium channels (VGCCs).

According to Cooke, Lloyds of London refused to insure Telecoms companies over the health risks more than five years ago. There have been no safety tests with 5G and if you think the closest thing, we have to it frequency-wise is actually a US military grade weapon nicknamed ‘the Growler’ then it’s hardly surprising.

All this as the telecoms and utility industries rake in huge profits from the Western indulgence with the ‘internet of things’ provided by 5G as well as the riches accruing from smart meter roll out.

5G protest2Resistance is growing with groups springing up all over Europe concerned about health dangers and lack of public consultation.

Fifth generation cellular network technology (5G) transmits on a higher radio frequency than 4G, and in smaller millimeter waves which can interfere with small cells, like those in human and animal bodies as well as plants. ​​

Stop 5G groups in the UK stretch from Brighton to the West Country to Waterford near Dublin. Ayse Leflef from Waterford said: “We raise awareness about this – about 40 people were on our last protest. All the different active groups around Ireland protest on the last Saturday of every month.”

In Glastonbury, which became the first in the UK to ban the development of 5G, the Mayor, Cllr Denise Michell said: “We are standing up and saying enough is enough – other councils may wish to follow our lead. 5G is being slipped through underhandedly and I think it’s very dangerous. The precautionary principle is key – we are postponing it until our working group finds out more about the risks.”
​​And worldwide people are waking up to this – in California 16 5G masts were blocked in 2019; the Polish PM has voiced his opposition; and in Geneva and Brussels 5G is on hold over radiation safety standard fears.

In May 2019, scientists and doctors from 40 countries appealed to the World Health Organisation for a moratorium and for wireless to be reassigned as a Group 1 carcinogen, the same level as arsenic and asbestos.​​ France, Cyprus and Canada have already banned the use of wireless technology in schools.

5G protest switz

In the home, smart meters, which are being installed in UK homes as we speak, use the same wireless technology, pulsing out yet more radio frequency (RF) radiation into enclosed spaces.

“Smart Meters are the biggest swindle since time began but an absolute gold mine for the utility companies. There are absolutely no benefits to the consumer whatsoever,” said a spokesperson for the group, Smart Meters Health Problems UK.

“They are not compulsory and there is no plan for them to become compulsory by 2020. The initial roll out is costing us £12bn, that’s £420 per household, Smart Meters only live for 5 years. My analogue is 55 years and still going strong.

“Energy Suppliers can switch our power off remotely by the flick of a switch with an analogue meter they have to go through a legal process to gain entry to your property.

“There are [also] privacy concerns. Smart meters are computers that can be programmed to record everything we do and pass that info on to the utility. Utilities will make more money from selling our data than selling us fuel.”

Public Health England maintains that wireless technology is safe and points you to regulations regarding safe radiation levels.

Smart Meters Health problems UK:

Wireless Awareness


Jan Goodey writes on environmental matters and is a regular contributor to the Ecologist online

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4. This is our planet, not theirs

GAF stock exch

On Friday February 28, activists from the Green Anti-capitalist Front courageously tried to storm the London Stock Exchange (above), causing it to be locked down for some four hours. They asked us to publish this statement, in which they call for “a new kind of environmental movement” which harnesses popular anger against the capitalists who are destroying our world.

At the Rally Against Capital, the Green Anti-capitalist Front wanted to show that it’s not regular working people but the rich, the bankers and those who protect them who are causing climate change.

We led our demonstration to the London Stock Exchange, a centre of finance and capital for some of the most destructive companies on the planet, to attempt to disrupt some of their capitalist system.

We feel that what many environmental movements of the past have lacked is a direction of anger towards the capitalists, the rich and their industries of destruction and GAF London want to be a part of the new kind of environmental movement, a movement that will not only help activists but also regular working people in the struggle against oppression.

As per usual, this demonstration showed how aggressively the police will attempt to protect the rich and their property against the people, using fists, batons and choke-holds to stop us gaining entry to the building.

GAF logoThe climate movement will not get anywhere without radical direct action; this can sometimes be hard, dangerous and painful but we are thankful that we had medics from Queercare and a Legal Observer from the Activist Court Aid Brigade (ACAB) to assist GAF during the day.

We hope this action will inspire others to take action against capitalism and show that the people will not let the planet go down without a fight.

This is our planet, not theirs. They’re about to start realising that whether they like it or not. Let’s show them – get involved.

More info and GAF manifesto available here:

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5. When the walls of Babylon close in

GJ streets2

Acorn reader Gilly Roots sent us this song in honour of the Gilets Jaunes in France.

Out! Out! Macron! Out!

It’s a thin veil of LIBERTY,
That masks a lack of freedom.
We know there’s no autonomy
Where we live in dread of a system
Afraid to express ourselves openly
For fear of retribution.

Stand with the Gilets Jaunes
Don’t be a stranger
When the walls of Babylon close in
Side by side we’ll face the danger.

Out! Out! Macron! Out!

It’s a fine line of FRATERNITY
Trying to divide the brotherhood
Never mind the language
As long as we’re understood
Because they will exploit a nation’s
Pride for their own good.

Stand with the Gilets Jaunes
Don’t be a stranger
When the walls of Babylon close in
Side by side we’ll face the danger.

Out! Out! Macron! Out!

The thin veil of LIBERTY,
Masking a lack of freedom.
The fine line of FRATERNITY
Trying to divide the brotherhood
The thin veneer of EQUALITY
Won’t cover the injustice…..So

Out! Out! Macron! Out!…….

Repeat forever until he’s gone !!


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6. Gerrard Winstanley: an orgrad inspiration


“True freedom lies in the free enjoyment of the earth”

Gerrard Winstanley (1606-1676) was a revolutionary writer and activist who has inspired generations of socialists, communists and anarchists.

Writing in 1906, Lewis H. Berens declared that “Winstanley was, in truth, one of the most courageous, far-seeing and philosophic preachers of social righteousness that England has given to the world”. (1)

He was the best-known spokesman of the Diggers, or True Levellers, a group of men and women who occupied and cultivated common land at St George’s Hill in Surrey in 1649 and called for an egalitarian society free of the chains of property, wealth and authority.

Along with like-minded people elsewhere in the country, Winstanley and his comrades wanted to push the English Revolution to a second stage.

After the execution of Charles I, they did not want to see power simply transferred to a new parliamentary authority promoting the interests of the mercantile classes.


Unfortunately, their revolt was crushed and, after this key moment in its history, the country took the disastrous path of rapacious capitalism, industrialism and imperialism, destroying the freedom and social stability not just of its own population but of peoples all across the world.

Winstanley’s writings are strongly marked by a heretic and pantheistic form of Christianity, inherited from the revolutionary spirituality of the medieval Free Spirit movement and the early Protestant rebellions against the Roman Catholic Church.

Rather than being an unfortunate anachronism than can safely be ignored by 21st century radicals, Winstanley’s spirituality is the foundation of his holistic anarcho-communism.

As Kenneth Rexroth wrote: “It was not his economics that was most important to Winstanley. What he sought was a spiritual condition in mankind which would be in harmony with the working of Reason in nature — the return of man, who had fallen into covetousness, to the universal harmony.

“Winstanley’s communism was not an economic doctrine, but mutual aid followed from his organic philosophy as a logical consequence”. (2)

winstanley true-levellers-standard_400x520Winstanley rejected the whole basis of authority in England as being an imposture, part of the “Norman Yoke” that had been inflicted on the people in 1066.

Central to this imposture, which had robbed ordinary folk of their god-given natural freedom, was the idea that land could be “owned” by certain individuals or families. Instead, he said, the earth should become “a common treasury for all”. (3)

Winstanley declared in The Law of Freedom: “The poorest man hath as true a title and just right to the land as the richest man. True freedom lies in the free enjoyment of the earth”. (4)

He told the landed class, in one of his characteristic broadsides, that the power of “enclosing land and owning property” had been created by the violence of their ancestors – “which first did murder their fellow creatures, men, and after plunder or steal away their land, and left this land successively to you, their children”. (5)

So although the rich of his day might not personally have had to kill or steal to attain their inherited wealth and power, they would have to answer for their ancestors’ crimes “till your bloody and grieving power be rooted out of the land”. (6)

The law was also frequently identified by Winstanley and his comrades as a central part of the violence inflicted on the common people by the wealthy elite.

He wrote in A New Year’s Gift for the Parliament and Army in 1650: “England is a prison; the varieties of subtleties in the Laws preserved by the Sword are the bolts, bars and doors of the prison; the Lawyers are the Jailers; and Poor Men are the prisoners”. (7)

oliver cromwell
Oliver Cromwell

He had no illusions about the legitimacy of the power which dressed itself up either as The Crown or, under William Cromwell, The Commonwealth: “It was clearer to Winstanley than to most radicals that the state and its legal institutions existed in order to hold the lower classes in place,” remarks Christopher Hill. (8)

It was a measure of Winstanley’s radicalism that he understood that royal power, church power, legal power and commercial power were all linked and could all be brought tumbling down by a real people’s revolution: “If one truly fall, all must fall”. (9)

Although the revolutionary idealism expressed by Winstanley and his fellow Diggers was clearly forward-looking, there was another aspect to their vision which looked back to the past.

In many ways, they were rebelling against England’s transition from traditional co-operative community (Gemeinschaft in Ferdinand Tönnies’ terms) to a modern, individualistic, commercial society (Gesellschaft).

winstanley the law of freedomIn The Law of Freedom, Winstanley repeatedly condemned “buying and selling” in the same moral tone in which Leo Tolstoy was to condemn artificial money-based society, or in which René Guénon was to condemn the modern “Reign of Quantity”.

Winstanley regarded the society he knew as a perversion of the natural, ethical, egalitarian way of life which should have been the birthright of every man and woman.

This perspective was rooted in Winstanley’s heretical brand of Protestant Christianity, which identified God not as a personal deity or supreme being, but as an all-pervasive guiding spirit which he often referred to as “Reason”.

In this, he was close to the ideas of the 16th century natural philosopher Paracelsus. Writes Hill: “Winstanley was certainly acquainted with the Paracelsian tradition, from which he no doubt took the antithesis of light/darkness which pervades his thought as it does that of Clarkson, Bauthumley and the Quakers, the Children of Light.

“Winstanley may also have learnt from this source that ‘to know the secrets of nature is to know the works of God’, the ‘secrets of nature’ being a familiar phrase in this tradition”. (10)


In The Law of Freedom, Winstanley described “the law of nature” which “does move both man and beast in their actions; or that causes grass, trees, corn and all plants to grow in their several reasons; and whatsoever any body does, he does it as he is moved by this inward law”. (11)

In The True Levellers Standard Advanced, he invoked the universal pantheistic view of nature as the mystical source of life when he referred to “thy mother, which is the earth, that brought us all forth; that as a true mother loves all her children”. (12)

For Winstanley, this age-old sense of natural belonging was the basis of his egalitarianism, the belief that all of us were equally-loved children of Mother Earth.

Video link: Winstanley (95 mins)

Gerrard Winstanley

1. Lewis H. Berens, The Digger Movement in the Days of the Commonwealth, 1906.
2. Kenneth Rexroth, Communalism: From Its Origins to the Twentieth Century
3. Gerrard Winstanley, The True Levellers Standard Advanced (1649).
4. Gerrard Winstanley, The Law of Freedom (1652).
5. Gerrard Winstanley, A Declaration from the Poor Oppressed People of England (1649).
6. Ibid.
7. Gerrard Winstanley, A New Year’s Gift for the Parliament and Army (1650).
8. Christopher Hill, The World Turned Upside Down: Radical Ideas During the English Revolution (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1975), p. 269.
9. Winstanley, A New Year’s Gift for the Parliament and Army.
10. Hill, p. 299.
11. Winstanley, The Law of Freedom.
12. Winstanley, The True Levellers Standard Advanced.

Article from the orgrad website

orgrad logo

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7. Acorninfo

Eco-activists targeted the premises of Tesla, the electric car firm, in Hamburg on the night of February 26 in solidarity with those resisting its factory in the forest at Grünheide. They report: “We attacked at least 12 luxury cars and one company car of Tesla with bitumen. Tesla is a company that profits from the ideology that all problems of this world can be solved via the further development of technologies. An important part of their image is that the technologies that they are working on (e.g. they are pioneers in the fields of artificial intelligence and autonomous driving) are of value to the general public in the areas of social and environmental safety. We reject the constant perfection of human beings through technology, as it is associated with the extension of control and the further restriction of freedom. We also oppose the destruction of nature, which, contrary to popular claims, is inevitably accompanied by the expansion of technology”.


* * *

“Vaccine revolution. Financialization of Nature. Fourth Industrial Revolution (Green New Deal). A global shock/disruption as we step into, in the words of Salesforce (& WEF founder & CEO Klaus Schwab) ‘the future of global governance’. The new world of #BioFascism.” This forms part of an important thread on Twitter from investigative journalist Cory Morningstar.


* * *

Police should be allowed to fire baton rounds and use tasers against people who defy the UK’s coronavirus lockdown, according to former senior cop Kevin Hurley. For more updates on the new coronazi police-state check out “Policing the Corona State: A diary of security and surveillance during Britain’s state of emergency“.

coronazi cops

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“They make people beg for the police state”. New York journalist @velocirapture23, aka Helen of desTroy, explains how Coronavirus is being used as “a NEW new Pearl Harbor” in this video.

helen of destroy vid

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Two important and informative articles on coronavirus have been published on the Off Guardian site. They give details of no fewer than 22 medical experts whose opinions on the Coronavirus outbreak contradict the official narratives of the MSM, and the memes so prevalent on social media.

coronavirus medical experts

* * *

Anyone trying to make sense of what is happening today would do well to take a look at a 2015 article in The American Journal of Economics and Sociology by Jacob Levich. This explains that Bill Gates tried to use the Ebola scare (remember that, anyone?) to create a worldwide, militarized, supranational health authority governed by Western powers and targeting the underdeveloped world. This, warns the author, amounts to nothing less than “global health imperialism”.

Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, attends a news conference as the foundation teams up with the Japan Sports Agency and Tokyo 2020 to promote the Sustainable Development Goals in conjunction with the Olympics, in Tokyo

* * *

“One would think you could trust the WWF to know what’s best when it comes to conservation, but they are merely a front and a tool for the interests of capitalists”. So writes Jordan Lunness in an excellent new article in The Commoner, entitled The Brutal Marriage of Capitalism and Conservation.

.WWF-funded guards

* * *

An interesting video has been posted on YouTube about the need to stand up to threats and intimidation. Warns Richard Grannon: “I’m warning you it’s coming. If you don’t say ‘no’ you will get hurt. And if you won’t do it for yourself, do it for the people around you. If you’re thinking of saying ‘no’, start early. You need to gird up your loins now. They can’t win. There is nowhere anywhere near enough resources for them to win. It’s a threat. They’re relying on you being nice”.


* * *

Acorn quote: “In France, as everywhere else, nostalgia for certain moral values from the past, the idealisation of certain pre-capitalist social forms (rural living or cottage industry) and the rejection of industrial/bourgeois civilization were an essential component of anarchist culture” .

Michael Löwy


(For many more like this, see the Winter Oak quotes for the day blog)

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